
China Everbright pushes forward with two biomass projects

China Everbright has signed a concession agreement and an investment agreement with the government of Mianzhu City, Sichuan Province, for the investment and construction of a household waste-to-energy project and a biomass power generation project, both in Mianzhu City.

The Mianzhu waste-to-energy project is designed to have a daily household waste processing capacity of 600 tonnes and will be constructed in two phases. Project Phase I has a total investment of approximately RMB180 million (€25 million) and a daily household waste processing capacity of 300 tonnes. It will be constructed on a BOO (Build-Operate-Own) basis for 30 years and its gas emission will comply with the Euro 2000 Standard. It is expected to generate 32,500,000 kWh of green electricity annually.

With a total investment of approximately RMB320 million, Mianzhu biomass power generation project is designed to have an annual agricultural waste and straw processing capacity of approximately 300,000 tonnes. The project will be equipped with a 130t/h furnace and a 30MW power generator to generate green electricity of 200,000,000 kWh annually.

The two projects will be located next to each other in the Gongxing Industrial Park of Mianzhu City, Sichuan Province, and will be mainly responsible for processing household waste and agricultural waste and straw from Mianzhu City. Mianzhu City is currently experiencing rapid economic development, it has rich natural resources and agricultural products, including rice and wheat. The estimated amount of collectible agricultural waste and straw totals nearly 380,000 tonnes annually. In addition, the two projects will share the same management team, office buildings and facilities to achieve optimum economic benefits.

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