
Canada forecasts annual GHG emission reduction of 50m tonnes by 2030

Canada’s national clean fuels associations are forecasting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions of more than 50 million tonnes per year by 2030 through a renewable energy boost. However, the organisations claim this cannot be achieved without significant funding.

Advanced Biofuels Canada (ABFC), Canadian Biogas Association (CBA), Canadian Gas Association (CGA), Electric Mobility Canada (EMC) and Wood Pellet Association of Canada (WPAC) represent a large part of Canada’s primary clean fuel industries. The organisations aim to increase production of clean, renewable fuels and electric vehicles to meet Canada’s GHG emissions targets and create jobs in the sector.

The associations represent technologies they believe can exceed the proposed federal Clean Fuel Standards objective of 30Mt of annual GHG emission reductions by 2030. Estimates are based on modelling work for the joint industry. According to the groups, the results demonstrate “significant annual emissions reduction potential by 2030 from adopting clean and renewable liquid, gaseous and solid fuels, and from switching to electric vehicle use".

  • AFBC estimates 15Mt of reductions per year are achievable by 2030 by incorporating biofuels and other non-fossil clean fuels into transport fuels.

  • The CBA and CGA estimate that 14Mt of reductions can be achieved by introducing renewable gases into transportation, building heating and industrial processes

  • EMC estimates that 16Mt of GHG reductions can be achieved through the electrification of light, medium and heavy-duty vehicles, including buses.

  • WPAC estimates 5.5Mt of reductions can be achieved through switching to wood pellets to provide heat in the residential, commercial and institution sectors, and from replacing coal with wood pellets for power generation.

To reach these targets, the associations believe capital investments of billions of dollars are needed. They are collectively calling on the federal government to adopt a Clean Fuel Strategy by 2020 to set a path towards clean and renewable fuel use by 2030:

  • Establish clear market signals for clean fuels and electric vehicles

  • Align clean and renewable fuel regulations to meet targeted clean fuel and EV use

  • Establish clean fuel programme funding to support clean and renewable fuel production capacity and infrastructure investments, and support EV adoption

  • Support research and development programmes to maintain Canadian leadership in clean fuel technologies and innovation


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