
Building on the success of RNG

Growing supplies of renewable natural gas is key to reducing emissions from trucks and buildings, says Southern California Gas Co

The largest dairy renewable natural gas production facility in the US is now even bigger, according to its operator, Calgren Dairy Fuels. Four additional dairies were recently added to the company’s dairy digester operation in Pixley, California. Now, a total of 10 dairies are sending methane from their cows’ waste to be processed into renewable natural gas (RNG). The RNG is then injected into the Southern California Gas’ (SoCalGas) pipeline system — the largest natural gas utility in the US.

With the addition of the new dairies, Calgren’s facility now collects methane from more than 66,000 cows at those 10 dairy farms, and its production of RNG is projected to nearly double. Eventually the facility will add even more dairies, according to Lyle Schlyer, president of Calgren Renewable Fuels. He said: “This facility alone will eventually capture methane produced from the manure of more than 75,000 cows.”

The Calgren facility is what’s known as a dairy biogas cluster....

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