
British Gas utilising biomethane in new renewable tariff

British Gas has launched a 100% renewable tariff, providing customers with renewable electricity matched through Guarantees of Origin certificates or Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin Certificates.

The Green Future Tariff includes green gas, with 10% sourced from biomethane produced by renewables, and the remaining 90% carbon offset thanks to a partnership with ClimateCare. The carbon is offset through carbon reduction projects in developing countries by purchasing Verified Emission Reduction Certificates from traceable projects verified by the Verified Carbon Standard.

As part of the Green Future tariff, each customer will help to protect a hectare of rainforest in the Amazon each year. The Ecomapua Project is certified by the Verified Carbon Standard, which issues one VER certificate per tonne of carbon dioxide mitigated as a result of the project.

Vaughan Lindsay, CEO at ClimateCare, said: “We are pleased to partner with British Gas to provide a sustainable energy tariff that its customers can select with confidence. Our expert teams will ensure that emissions from gas use on the Green Future tariff are offset through the highest quality projects and deliver real, verified carbon reductions that help to tackle climate change, whilst alternative green energy solutions are scaled.”

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