
Bright to build CO2 liquefaction plant in the US

Bright Renewables has been awarded a contract for the realisation of a turnkey CO2 liquefaction plant with a capacity of 800 kg per hour on the West Coast of the US.
The CO2 liquefier will be added to an existing biogas upgrader and will purify and liquefy carbon dioxide coming from the biogas upgrader. Liquid bio-CO2 is the end-product, which will be applied in the company's industrial processes resulting in greater independency on CO2 derived from natural gas.
"There is an ever-increasing market demand for small scale liquid CO2 production facilities. CO2 consumers are looking for more independency of large producers and biogas producers are looking to reduce their CO2 emissions.
"We are happy to have grown into a technology provider with biogas upgrading, and cryogenic technologies, including CO
2 liquefaction and bio-LNG, and carbon capture technology in our portfolio. This allows Bright to contribute to global CO2-reductions in various ways", said Jafeth Bulsink, business developer at Bright.
Bright has realised over 25 biogas upgrading projects with membrane technology in the US and nearly 200 projects worldwide.

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