
Biovic plans to develop €400m worth of biomethane projects

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Biovic, a Grupo Gimeno company, plans to design large projects for new facilities worth around €400 million until 2027.
The Valencia-based company developed projects during 2023 valued at around €30 million euros, including major biomethane plants in different parts of Spain, such as Catalonia, Castilla-La Mancha, Murcia and Valencia.
In the words of Carlos Parrado, head of Agro business and R&D&I: "At Biovic we use the most advanced technologies to transform waste into energy, but also to close the cycle of resource use through the creation of a high quality organic fertiliser that returns essential nutrients to the soil, and from there the virtuous circle of circular bioeconomy begins again".
Luis Puchades, director of Biovic, commented that: "We are pioneers in the development of this type of engineering projects. We have paved the way and continue to innovate in a field in which Spain needs to invest. At Biovic we are aware, not only of the potential of the projects we undertake with our clients, but we are totally convinced of the strategic importance that clean energies, such as biomethane and biogas, bring to society and industry, in order to achieve the sustainable and autonomous energy model that the EU is calling for. All this must be done in perfect harmony with our primary sector".
Biomethane plant projects that Biovic engineering has produced include the Galivi project in Lorca (Murcia), which will inject up to 30 GWh of biomethane per year into the gas network; the Granollers plant, promoted by the Bioenergía Vallés Oriental (BioVO) project, which will produce 22 GWh of biomethane annually; and the Biometano Montes de Toledo plant, located in the municipality of Noez (Toledo), which will produce 40 GWh of biomethane annually, in addition to compost; and the Utiel project of AEMA Servicios Energéticos.
This last project will use agro-industrial waste to produce about 15 MWh of biomethane, and is aligned with the Valencian Biogas Route, which promotes the construction of 100 renewable gas plants in the region to produce 65% of the gas consumed by Valencian households.
The company also has international experience in markets as diverse as Holland, Israel, Germany, the United Kingdom and Latin America. In this period, it has also developed 12 upgrading plants and has participated in more than 300 consulting projects related to these materials.


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