
BioTown Biogas makes strides with Green Rock Energy Partners

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Last November, BioTown Biogas (BTB) was awarded an Energy Vision Leadership Award. Martin Mitchell, co-founder and managing director of Green Rock Energy Partners, which owns a stake in BTB, tells Bioenergy Insight more
The Energy Vision Leadership Awards honour key actors in the vanguard of sustainable year. Last year was the 17th edition, and the awards recognised leaders whose anaerobic digestion (AD) projects advanced the field.
BTB’s award celebrated the organisation’s work to build one of the largest on-farm anaerobic digesters in the world and its contributions toward creating low-carbon renewable natural gas (RNG).
The digester processes roughly 400,000 gallons of organic waste per day, produce more than 40 million kWh of renewable power and 3 million gallons of RNG fuel per year.
“Our team is very grateful for this major industry recognition!” Mitchell told Bioenergy Insight.
He explained that BTB is a partnership project forged on the multi-generational BioTown Ag farm in Reynolds, Indiana in the US. It activated its digester and processing facility to partial capacity in 2023. Once complete, it will...

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