
Biogas plant planned for India

In India the Khadki Cantonment Board (KCB) is planning to set up a biogas plant in Gawliwada. Construction is expected to commence shortly.

When the Rs. 55 lakh (€91,930) plant is operational it will generate 400kW of electricity a day from a daily supply of 5 tonnes of organic waste. The electricity will be used to power streetlights and the cantonment hospital.

The plant will treat a variety of organic waste materials, including that from slaughterhouses, vegetables and fruits.

Commenting on the new project cantonment executive engineer Arun Godbole said: ‘Each day an estimated 300m3 of gas will be generated at the plant. The gas will be stored in a storage system and supplied to the generator which will run on it. Every hour an estimated 30kW of electricity will be generated by the generator.’

The board believes that project will have a payback period of around four years. ‘While the plant will come up at an estimated cost of Rs. 55 lakh, the anticipated revenue in terms of generation of electricity and bio manure will be Rs. 14.1 lakh every year,’ Godbole explained.

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