
Biogas plant faces strong opposition

In Castle Bytham, Lincolnshire, UK, an application filed by Bygen Power for the construction of a biogas plant has received unanimous objecting votes from Castle Bytham parish council in an attempt to block the build on a nearby farm.

Deemed as too large and in the wrong place, local residents have expressed woes about vehicle noise and pollution, and the possibility of water contamination.

However it is Lincolnshire County Council that will decide whether the build goes ahead and is expected to do so by the end of June 2010.

If it does the conservation village will be home to a new sustainable energy plant, converting 30,000 tonnes of food waste and 200 tonnes of duck waste into electricity and fertiliser.

Local resident and son of the farmer who owns Angel Wells farm, the site of the proposed plant, said: ‘We believe this is a very good project. In Europe there are dozens of these plants dotted all over the countries, and we think it is time that England caught up.’

He went on to explain that those concerned about the lingering odour should not be as the plant operators will be aiming to collected all of the methane gas fort he generation of power.

If the plant is given the green light 1,400 households would be supplied with sustainable electricity and 25,500 tonnes of fertiliser will also be produced.

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