
Biogas plant developer drops appeal for proposed site in Keynsham, UK

The developer behind plans for a biogas plant on the outskirts of Keynsham in the UK has withdrawn its appeal, reported Keynsham Voice.
The proposal for an anaerobic digester facility on the Queen Charlton Quarry site was unanimously rejected by Bath and North East Somerset Council planning committee in March 2022.
Resourceful Energy Aerobic Limited (REAL) proceeded to announce its plans to challenge the decision to block the scheme.
Protest group Protect Our Keynsham Environment (POKE) began a fundraising campaign in the event of a planning inquiry scheduled for October.
Chairwoman of POKE, Kerry Morgan, said the organisation had "been advised via Bath and North East Somerset Council that Resourceful Energy Aeerobic Limited have withdrawn their appeal to build a supersized anaerobic digester facility at the Queen Charlton quarry site.
"This is good news that the appeal has been withdrawn. POKE would like to thank the council officers and our own professional team for submitting statements of case strong enough to convince the appellant that they had no prospect of winning the appeal.
“POKE would also like to thank the community, parish councils, local councillors and all those that have supported us throughout this process.
“However, the matter is not closed because the unauthorised development is still there, and the site should be returned to open countryside.
“POKE looks forward to working with the council through enforcing the extant enforcement notice which requires the removal of the anaerobic digestion plant buildings and taking further enforcement action to ensure that the site is restored as approved in previous planning permissions.”
The news has been welcomed by local B&NES councillors.
Councillor Alan Hale (Keynsham South) said: “An extremely big thank-you has to be paid to the outstanding work and efforts of Kerry Morgan and POKE.
“Kerry has been working constantly to foil the appeal and her efforts have won through to the benefit of everyone who would have been adversely affected by this development, which would have brought odours, wind-blown spores and heavy goods vehicles infesting the local roads.”
Cllr Alastair Singleton (Saltford) said: “I welcome the news that REAL have abandoned their appeal. Their plans for the Charlton Field Lane site were always ill-conceived and would have led to great harm to our communities, as well as many negative impacts on the environment.
“This is a victory for good sense and reflects great credit on B&NES Council and the determined and consistent opposition led by POKE involving very many activists and residents locally.”
Cllr Duncan Hounsell (Saltford) added: “I now wish to see existing planning enforcement cases continue to be pursued and the site restored.”

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