
Bio-LNG — charting a course

As the shipping industry accelerates its efforts to meet the International Maritime Organisation’s decarbonisation targets, a growing number of organisations are looking to bio-LNG — an increasingly recognised ‘sustainable fuel’ with untapped greenhouse gas emissions reduction potential.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction is not a new conversation for the shipping industry, but in the past year, there has been an increasing focus on how the sector can practically meet the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) IMO2030 and 2050 targets, accelerating the urgency to identify feasible decarbonisation solutions.

Bio-LNG is a marine fuel alternative with numerous emissions reduction and commercial benefits. Bio- LNG or liquefied biomethane can, alongside its cousin, synthetic LNG, enable the shipping industry to transition to a zero-emissions future, and, according to SEA-LNG, a multi-sector industry coalition, this transition can start now.

SEA-LNG launched in 2016 and advocates for LNG as a marine fuel. According to the organisation, the consensus is that international shipping accounts for...

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