
B9 Energy eyes Plymouth for next venture

Dedicated to the production of renewable energy, Europe and US-based B9 Energy is currently considering a number of UK ports which would be suitable to house its new CHP plant.

However the facility is still in the very early stages of development and B9 Energy has stated that it will not be going ahead with the build unless the government implements the proposed Renewable Heat Incentive, as the plant would not make financial sense.

But this has not stopped B9 Energy searching for ideal sites and it has been reported that the city of Plymouth has been shortlisted. According to the managing director of B9 Energy David Surplus, ‘We are doing quite a bit of work with the University of Plymouth and, on the basic of wider discussions going on, it’s becoming a bit of a pilot study.’

Matthew Cross, director of marketing and inward investment at Plymouth City Development Company, added: ‘There is the prospect that Plymouth could become a world leader in clean energy shipping which would help to put us on the map.’

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