
Australia unveils Bioenergy Roadmap

Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor has unveiled Australia’s Bioenergy Roadmap.

The Roadmap marks the first of its kind in Australia and a record commitment from the Australian Government to bioenergy. It includes new analysis which confirms the adoption of key technologies, which would see $10 billion (€6.7 billion) added to Australia’s GDP by 2030 and 26,200 full-time jobs created, mostly in regional areas, as well as confirming that bioenergy could provide up to 40% of Australia’s total energy consumption by the 2050s.

“This Roadmap defines a clear decade of bioenergy action for Australia and acknowledges the urgency for the bioenergy sector to play a bigger part in the nation’s energy market,” said Shahana McKenzie, CEO of Bioenergy Australia.

Significant emissions reductions, fuel security, and waste reduction are identified as key outcomes from the Roadmap to create a better future for the nation.

To support the implementation of the Roadmap, the Australian Government has committed $33.5 million (€21.5 million) to ARENA to further support the bioenergy sector through co-funding additional research, development and deployment of advanced sustainable aviation and marine biofuels.

Bioenergy Australia has played an important role in the Roadmap’s development and has united over 60 organisations in energy, aviation, heavy transport, investment and banking, construction, waste, agriculture and research to commend the government on the landmark moment for bioenergy in Australia.

“We are fully aligned with the government’s commitment to a sustainable bioenergy industry that delivers lower emissions, regional growth, energy resilience and waste management benefits for Australia,” said McKenzie.

McKenzie noted that the government’s focus must be on expanding bioenergy’s market share in hard-to-abate sectors such as renewable industrial heat generation, sustainable aviation fuels and biomethane grid injections.

She said: “We have a number of live industrial renewable heat projects that show bioenergy is a viable and economically beneficial way forward in this space.”

McKenzie concluded that the Bioenergy Roadmap launch is a “seminal moment” for the country and the future of clean energy, adding: “To realise this potential, we must prioritise these key technologies and make this solid investment to deliver a world-leading bioeconomy for Australia.”

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