
AEBIOM joins calls for ‘stable and predictable’ renewable policy

The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) has joined renewable energy investors and business organisations in calling for improved governance of energy policy in the European Union.

In a statement addressed to Members of the European Parliament, co-signatories including AEBIOM and the European Renewable Energies Federation call for ‘ambitious’ governance regulation.

“We join forces today to underline the importance of the regulation on Energy Union Governance and to call on you to guarantee a robust, stable and predictable policy framework after 2020,” they write in the statement.

“We see an ambitious governance regulation as a pre-condition for the Union to put Efficiency First and be a world leader in renewable energy. In light of this, we want to underline three main elements on which the Governance regulation needs to deliver.”

The signatories claim that implementing their recommendations will create an investor climate certain enough to guarantee that the EU and its Member States reach their 2030 climate and energy targets.

The three aims outlined in the statement to the European Parliament are:

  • For governance regulation to provide clear and actionable mechanisms for if the Commission identifies ambition or delivery gaps.
  • The Commission is called on to track progress at national and Union level against linear trajectroies
  • Governance regulation must ensure the compatibility of the European framework with the Paris Agreement

The full statement with a list of signatories can be read here.

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