
Advanced biofuels industry calls for solid regulations

The Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels (LSB) met the European Parliament (EP) in Brussels this May at a meeting hosted by the ITRE (Industry, Research and Energy) Committee.

EP VP Alejo Vidal Quadras introduced the positions of the EP ITRE Committee on the European Commission revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED).

The Leaders sent a clear message to the EP members: ‘Second generation advanced biofuel technologies are ready to compete with conventional biofuels, with companies keen to invest in commercial projects given appropriate conditions.’

Such conditions include a long-term stable legislative framework and specific targets for the use of second generation biofuels. The European advanced biofuel Industry is recognised as one of the technologically advanced in the world via investment companies like those LSB members coupled with support from the European Commission and member states.

‘Now is the time to bring advanced second-generation biofuels to the market,’ says Guido Ghisolfi, chairman of LSB and CEO of Chemtex (pictured). ‘The industry is committed to delivering on its promise but we need stable long-term investment conditions which encourage investment while, at the same time, promoting true advanced biofuels. This will have a positive economic as well as ecological impact on the EU.’

Today the  competition in this sector is on the rise and a risk for the EU is that investments will occur in other places where more favourable policies and investment conditions exist, like the US, South America and Asia.

The LSB believes a minimum 2% mandate for advanced biofuels should be set as a sub-target of the RED, with a well defined pathway for growth heading toward 2030 by aligning policies with market realities, securing long-term perspectives and mobilising resources into commercial activities.

‘Certification schemes should also be further developed or adapted to respond to the specific characteristics of lignocellulosic fuel chains, particularly when produced from agricultural and forestry residues and wastes,’ the LSB adds. ‘These actions are essential if the EU wants to meet the Climate and Energy Policy targets.’

The LSB is composed by the CEOs of seven European biofuel producers and European airlines: Chemtex, British Airways, BTG, Chemrec, Clariant, Dong Energy and UPM.

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