
A match made in heaven

Delving into the integration of biogas and bioethanol production in Argentina with Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure and Bioelectrica.

Rio Cuarto biogas plant in Argentina demonstrates that biogas can successfully be included in the bioethanol value chain. Based on this project, anaerobic digestion (AD) offers a proven solution for thin stillage from corn-based ethanol production, commonly evaporated with high energy consumption.

The plant was constructed in collaboration between German engineering company Krieg & Fischer Ingenieure, which developed an anaerobic fermentation system, and Argentinian project developer Bioelectrica.

Leftover from ethanol production, thin stillage contains all non-starch components and still has plenty of available energy potential. Most ethanol producers use the thin stillage to create animal feed ingredients, but its high water content makes the process costly, for the plant owners and the environment.

In the case of Argentinian bioethanol producer Bio4, consumption of natural gas for the evaporation of waste from ethanol production was 581 Nm3/h. In addition to...

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